Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A New Endeavor

Here's a sampling of but a few of the coupons I've cut in the past few days.  Extreme Couponing on TLC fascinates me and I must delve into the world of coupon obsession.  Okay, mine won't be an obsession, but it is really cool to get items for free or for a drastically reduced cost.  I don't aspire to even come anywhere near the savings of the coupon collecting elite on TLC's Wednesday night show, but I did use 20 coupons when I purchased my groceries this morning.

All these coupons (and the fact that they fell out of the paper clip that secured them while I was shopping, and I had to re-collect them all from the Commissary floor) tells me I must come up with some kind of tote for them.  Which leads me to sewing - but of course, doesn't everything lead to sewing?!  Enter the May/June 2011 issue of Creative Machine Embroidery magazine.

Ta-Da!  My next sewing project.  I already have the fabric selected from my stash and I'm ready to go.  I must take care of some personal family business for the next few days, but hopefully I will have my new coupon clutch ready for next week's grocery shopping trip.

Do you clip coupons?  If so, in what do you carry your coupons?


  1. I want one! I leave my daughter in charge of the coupons when we go shopping, so I guess I could say I carry my coupons in cute little hands...

  2. I like coupons! My daughter carries them for me so I guess you could say I carry mine in cute little hands...
